Help me in my pledge campaign for Cambodian Living Arts!

Help me reach my goal of raising $2,000 for the amazing young artists I met while working in Cambodia last year.

Cambodian Living Arts is an organization that supports the traditional masters and the next generation of artists in a post-genocide society, and in doing so, healing a culture’s severed roots by the reviving of Cambodian traditional art forms and inspiring contemporary artistic expression.

Why now?

Thirty years ago, a terrible genocide attempted to extinguish the very soul of the Khmer culture by executing the nation’s artists and scholars.

I find supporting this particular generation of young artists so important because they are the very ones who will be receiving the precious knowledge from the few handful of masters who have survived. Support is especially necessary in a society where the youth are vulnerable to a rampant sex and drug trade.

I was so inspired to meet the masters and student artists who have overcome crushing economic strife and tremendous personal loss to continue creating art with the help of Cambodian Living Arts.  It’s strengthened my resolve and belief that a war torn country can heal through art.  By giving a chance for the cultural forms to thrive and evolve, an entire country of people can learn to reconnect to a history with pride and a future with hope despite the deep wounds they’ve collectively suffered.

How you can help:

Click on the link below to donate directly to Cambodian Living Arts.  Help me meet my goal of raising $2,000 to help refurbish the CLA center where students take classes in addition to receiving many other valuable resources such as computer skills.  Your donations also go to help education and living expenses for some of these students in need.  Remember, even the smallest increments can help if we all join together!

As well, join us on Sunday May 17th at 4:30 pm for a special cabaret benefit entitled Diary of an Ambiguously Ethnic Girl with all proceeds benefiting Cambodian Living Arts. The show is an afternoon of new works by new and ethnic composers, with special selections from Where Elephants Weep, the rock opera that premiered in Cambodia and is loosely based on the life of Arn Chorn-Pond, a former child soldier during the Khmer Rouge and founder of Cambodian Living Arts.  Musical direction is by Jim Lowe with special guests Jose Llana, Christine Toy Johnson, and Jaygee Macapuguay.  Tickets are on sale for $10 at

Love and Peace,


Click on the box on my pledge donation page: