Thank You!

A big THANK YOU to everyone who donated!!  We were able to raise close to $2,700 through the online campaign and the benefit concert!!  

The concert was a success!  The room at the Duplex was filled with friends and family and a host of others who I didn’t expect to come out and support this wonderful cause.  I was overwhelmed by the outpouring of love:)  My dream was to bring visibility to Cambodia Living Arts, at the very least, to my circle here at home.  My time with CLA in Cambodia touched me in a way that I wanted to share their amazing story and mission with everyone I knew, so that one group could gain the inspiration the other provided, and the other group could gain the support it so needs to attain it’s mission of healing the country through the arts.  I am humbled to have played any part I could in brokering a connection between two worlds.

Couldn’t have made this concert happen without the support of some very special people:  I want to give a huge shout out to Richard Feng Zhu, my co-producer, stage manager, and soul brother all in one; Maestro Jim Lowe, without whom there’d be no show; my fantastic band; and guest artists Jose Llana, Christine Toy Johnson & Jaygee Macapugay, all of whom donated their time and considerable talents for this cause; All the composers featured in the show, who inspire and write for characters of ethnicity (Him Sophy, Pete Mills, Deb Abrahmson, Scott Murphy); And everyone at CLA who have so inspired me to want to to My part, and as always, my unyieldingly supportive parents:  THANK YOU!!